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Why Siona ?

Why Siona ?

In the existing environment, all establishments, whether small or large, are required to take measures to ensure that they take care of their security. It is better to be safe than sorry. With proliferation of Companies into the business, it becomes extremely difficult for a client to make the correct choice. More often than not, the clients find that they have engaged a Company which fall woefully short of the desired standards. A client looking for the cheapest security invariably regrets. To make the correct choice, the client must ensure that the Company is registered under the PSAR (Act) 2005, pays the guards at least the minimum wages laid down by the respective state govt and makes timely payment of ESI, EPF and Service Tax. Above along with the client list gives the true reflection of the worth of the Company. Siona follows all the above and has a long list of ever increasing satisfied clients in both Government and Non Government sectors which makes Siona the ideal choice for the clients


Methodology Siona provides complete security solution to the client’s requirement to enable them to be free from all their security related concerns. Our ‘Security Experts’ analyse complete requirement to work out an optimal solution for provision of full proof security at the most competitive cost. The company takes pride in the fact that it keeps itself abreast with the latest developments in the field of security to counter ever changing dynamics and requirements with an aim to achieve complete customer satisfaction.